Built in Basics

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Built-In Basics W hen designing and building the

more utilitarian pieces for your

home—entertainment centers, book-
cases, corner hutches—you’ll inevitably
consider the question: Should I make it
freestanding or built-in? The answer in-
Level bases, modular construction, volves both aesthetics (which will look
better?) and economics (do you want to
and scribing to walls are keys to success spend all of that time and effort on a pro-
ject you’ll have to leave behind if you
move?). Sooner or later, you’re likely to
B Y T O N Y O ’ M A L L E Y tackle a built-in.
Over the last few years I’ve earned an in-
creasing portion of my income from wood-

62 FINE WOODWORKING Photos: Michael Pekovich

For this home office, separate cabinets, made of hardwood plywood, were screwed together on a level base. Then solid face-frame
pieces were nailed to the cases with the two outside stiles scribed to fit the walls. Crest and base moldings went on next. Shelves (on
adjustable pins) and doors (on cup hinges) were installed, and last, the thick desktop slab was slid into place.

Cases are
screwed to
wall studs
through their
tops and Built-in is left
backs (below 1 ft. short of
the fixed the ceiling,
shelves). leaving one
less surface
to scribe to.
Center cabinet has
Outside overlay doors; case
cases are off- edges are hidden
set from the with iron-on veneer Outside stiles
wall 1 in. to tape. are scribed to
accommodate the walls.
an out-of-
plumb wall.

Desktop, Tall cabinets

Fixed shelves Cleats, 1 in. by
1 1⁄2 in. have inset
add strength 1 in., support
thick doors, flush
and separate the center with face
cabinet cabinet and frames.
spaces. desktop.

Cases Extra layer of plywood Lights go here to

Cases are are screwed reduces the overhang illuminate ceiling
screwed to to each other. behind the face frame. and recessed
the bases.

working, and the majority of it has been

from built-in projects. Built-ins are popular
Back, 1⁄4-in.-thick
with homeowners for two important rea- cherry plywood,
sons: First, they add value, becoming a per- screwed into
manent, hand-crafted part of a home. rabbet in case
Second, you can buy a piece of furniture at
a store, but you can’t buy a built-in.
Built-ins are a unique form of wood- Face frame,
working, sharing elements of furniture, cherry,
cabinetry, and finish carpentry. Because splined to
the built-in is permanently attached to one case
or more of the walls, the floor, or the ceil-
ing of a room, the design goal must be to
make the built-in appear as an integral Case, 3⁄4-in.-thick
part of the room. That means matching cherry plywood,
Hardboard joined with biscuits
and integrating the room’s features, espe- spline, 1⁄8 in. and screws
cially moldings, into the design. But a by 5⁄8 in.
built-in also can stand out as a bold coun-
terpoint to the design features of a room.
Either way, a successful built-in requires
Back of the base is
careful planning for its installation. Ideally, 1
⁄2 in. short to keep
all of the finishing is done prior to installa- it away from the
Base, 3⁄4-in.-thick edge of the floor.
tion. That, in turn, leads to a number of plywood, is 1⁄2 in.
construction techniques specific to built- shorter than the
ins, including modular cases, scribed target height to
allow for shimming
edges, and reveals or V-grooves to conceal and leveling. Leveling feet
seams and joints where the cases or face screwed to
frames come together. inside of base

Drawings: Bob La Pointe NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2003 63


Shim one base level. Check it along

its length and width. While leveling it,
raise it to the target base height.

Use small squares of plywood as lev-

eling feet. Screw these to the base,
which will remain level even when shift-
ed slightly during later stages.

Place two cases on each level base. These cases should be sanded and finished before
Raise and level the second base.
Use a level and a tight mason’s cord to and if the doors and drawers on the unit Painted built-ins are more forgiving because
bring the second base up to the same are to work properly. the joints can be caulked and painted over.
level as the first one. Every built-in starts with a careful assess- The built-in here was planned for in the
ment of the room conditions, in addition to home’s original design and construction. It
the obvious measuring of the space it will fills the entire length of a 14-ft. wall but
This article follows the making of a built- be built into. The key to success is to scribe stops a foot short of the 8-ft. ceiling. It also
in wall unit for a home office and includes parts accurately where they meet the walls, calls for lights on top of the cabinets be-
many of the typical challenges that built- floor, or ceiling, which requires cutting hind the crown molding and inside the top
ins present, especially those that involve those parts oversize. of each bookcase.
bookcases and cabinets. The design is contemporary and straight-
Then work out the design forward but with some subtle refinements
Start with the room Built-ins run the stylistic gamut from tradi- worth mentioning. The wood is cherry,
No two rooms are exactly alike, so no two tional to modern. A painted built-in gener- straight-grained in the face and door
built-ins are alike either. It’s rare to find ally is less expensive than a natural or frames. For contrast, the door panels are
room surfaces that are dead straight, let stained-wood version. In my painted built- plainsawn with custom walnut pulls. The
alone level and plumb. Yet a built-in must ins, I use birch plywood for most case con- four tall cabinets are in the same plane at
stand level and plumb if it’s to look right struction and solid poplar for the trim. 16 in. deep, with the upper shelves set back

Screw the cases together. Drive the screws
just below where an adjustable shelf might go.

Screw the cases to the base. Make sure the
cases are flush with the front and inside edges
of the base so that the face frame and base
molding go on straight. Note that the base
ends up 1⁄2 in. short of the wall, avoiding incon- 4
sistencies at the edge of the floor.
Connect the sides. Set the center cabinet on its
cleats to set the distance between the tall cases.
Clamp in the desktop slab to plumb the cabinets,
and screw through the cabinet backs to attach
a few inches to allow the interior lighting them to the wall studs. Shim where there are gaps.
to reach them. The open shelves are deep
enough for oversize books and magazines,
while the closed cabinets are deep enough ally has an “A” side and a mediocre side, so the case parts. These grooves will receive
for storage. The desktop extends to 25 in., orient it for best appearance. splines to position the face-frame parts. I
and its flared shoulders lie neatly over the I use biscuit joinery for almost all case also cut rabbets into the case parts for the
vertical face frame, visually connecting the construction (see my article in FWW #165, back panels.
desktop to the fixed shelves in the book- pp. 66-71) because it’s versatile, simple, and Before installation, I finished all of the
cases. The center cabinet above the desk- reliable. On this project, most of the joints parts with Waterlox, which is a tung-oil-
top is recessed from the main cabinets, could have been screwed together as well based finish that can be wiped, brushed, or
creating a visual counterpoint and making because the rows of screws are concealed sprayed on, and builds like a varnish. I ap-
the crown molding more eye-catching. by moldings, the desktop, or adjacent plied three coats, sanding in between with
case sides. Screwing together the cases 320-grit paper.
Build the cases strengthens the joinery and makes assem-
The cases were built from 3⁄4-in.-thick cherry bly easier because it eliminates clamping. Install level bases
plywood, and the backs from 1⁄4-in.-thick Before assembling the cases, I ran a The bases for built-ins always should be
cherry plywood. Hardwood plywood usu- ⁄8-in.-wide groove in the front edge of all separate from the cases. That way, you can


All of the frame pieces receive 1⁄8-in. splines, which serve a number of functions: They locate
the pieces precisely on the cases, hold them in place during dry-fitting, and add some
strength to the glued-and-nailed joints.
Flush joint

Shelf Upper rail,

edging, 4 1⁄4 in. wide
1 1⁄2 in. RAILS
wide. The grooves are
offset equally in
the case and
rails to make a
flush joint.
Inside stile,
2 in. wide

Lower rails and Flush joint

stiles stop 1⁄4 in.
above the floor.

These grooves
Outside stile is also are offset
2 1⁄4 in. wide to Lower rail,
Middle stile, equally to create
allow for scribing. 4 in. wide
2 in. wide a flush joint.

Groove for Filler Outside
scribing sheet of case
(see below)

⁄4-in. ⁄4-in After scribing the outside stile to the wall,
overlap overlap Flush
joint put the remaining stiles in place. Their long
splines should secure them during the dry-fit.
The groove in the stile is The groove in the stile is offset The grooves are offset equally
⁄4 in. to create a 1⁄4-in. overlap to make a flush joint outside level the bases independently of the larger,
offset an extra 1⁄4 in. to
create a 1⁄4-in. overlap inside in the case. Only one spline is the case. Plywood filler reduces more cumbersome cases. There are lots of
the case. necessary. the overhang inside the case. simple ways to make structural bases for
built-ins. Stud lumber can work in many
situations; just mill it straight beforehand.
Extra groove makes scribing easy But I generally screw together simple boxes
Case, approx. Groove for final from the scrap 3⁄4-in.-thick plywood that’s
1 in. from wall. positioning left over from the cases.
Start with a target height—in this project
Groove for
scribing it was the floor of the cases—and work
⁄4-in. from there. Whatever the target height, the
rough base should be built 1⁄2 in. shorter to
allow for dips in the floor and for shim-
A two-groove ming up to the target height.
sequence makes If the base molding is going to touch the
scribing a cinch. First, floor, it should be milled 1⁄2 in. wider than
make the outside the finished dimension to scribe it to an un-
stiles 1⁄4 in. wider to Offset,
⁄2 in. even floor. In this project, I tacked a small
accommodate walls Target width
of stile is 2 in. shoe molding onto the base molding,
that are slightly
Scribe block, This area is which eliminated having to scribe the base
bowed. Cut the first 1
⁄2 in. wide cut away. molding to the floor.
groove for final
For this unit, I started by shimming one
positioning, and cut 1. Position the stile on the scribing 2. Cut to the scribe line with
a second one for groove and use the scribe block to a jigsaw or bandsaw. Use the of the two bases level (see the photos on
scribing. mark the area to be removed. other groove to install the stile. p. 64). If possible, determine which side of
the room is highest overall, and start on

hidden by the crown molding, as is the
four-way outlet that was installed above
the cabinets by an electrician.

Mill and dry-fit the face-frame pieces

With the cabinets installed, I proceeded to
dry-fit the face-frame pieces to the cases.
Traditional kitchen-cabinet face frames are
built as independent frames, held together
either with mortise-and-tenon joints or
pocket-hole screws, then applied to the
cases. With some built-ins, this is a sensible
approach. But building large face frames is
awkward and unnecessary.
Fit the rails. Starting at the outside cabinets, Prepare the face-frame pieces for installa- Instead of having flush, glued joints at the
mark and fit the upper and lower rails and the tion. Chamfered edges hide inconsistencies at intersections of the face-frame panels, I
edging for the fixed shelf. Then move to the in- the joints, allowing you to prefinish the parts in chamfered the edges of all the parts and the
side cabinets. the shop and nail them on one at a time. ends of the horizontal pieces, leaving a small
V-groove wherever parts come together,
that side. To level the second base to the one underneath the top of each open case, to hide any minor inconsistencies. As a re-
first, I stretched a length of mason’s cord hidden behind the top face-frame rail. sult, I was able to cut and dry-fit all of the
from the outside corner of the first base to These throw some light onto the recessed face-frame pieces to the installed cabinets
the outside corner of the second (a laser shelves below. I also mounted one atop but finish them in the shop on my bench.
level also will work), then raised the sec- each cabinet to throw soft light into the 1-ft. With all of the face-frame pieces in
ond one up to the stringline. Once leveled, space above the cabinets. The lights are place—dry-fitted at this point—you can
a base can be screwed to the floor or the
wall studs. But in this project, because the
bases needed to be shifted slightly when 2. INS TALL THE FACE FRAMES
the entire row of cabinets was brought to- Start with the innermost
gether, I let them float. Once the bases are stile. This joint must be
in place, it’s a good time to locate and mark flush. Adjust the alignment
the wall studs. as you nail on the piece.
Shoot through a thin piece
Install the cases—Set the cases on their of cardboard if your gun has
a tendency to dent the sur-
leveled bases, and screw them together. At-
face (inset). Later, fill the
tach the cleats that will support the center nail holes with colored wax.
cabinet and the desktop. Position the cen-
ter cabinet and clamp it to the side cabi-
nets. Screw through the walls of the center
cabinet to attach it to the side cabinets.
Next, set the main desktop slab on its cleats
and snug a clamp across the two cases to
true up the entire assembly.
Now the entire unit can be attached to
the wall. Because I had access to the top of
the cabinets, I drilled through the tops at
an angle into the studs. I also screwed
through the case backs underneath the
fixed shelves.

Install the lighting next—Before the

face-frame parts, moldings, doors, and
desktop are in the way, install any lighting
or power strips that you desire.
For the set of cabinets in this project, I
used small, surface-mounted halogen
lights, which are shaped like hockey pucks
and available in home centers. I mounted

Plywood support
strips, screwed to
case and molding
A trick for mitering crown molding
Top of case

⁄4 in.

Crown molding,
6 in. wide when
flat, 3⁄4 in. thick

Bottom edge
is nailed to the
face frame. Use a sample block to break down the angle. The 6-in.-wide molding won’t fit in
the miter saw when tilted into its 35° position. But you can fit a smaller version of
Face frame the molding in the miter saw, tilted against the fence. Set the fence to 45°, and
make a cut (left). Then lay the molding flat on the saw (right) to find the proper fence
and blade angles for cutting the real thing, which must lie flat.

record the exact openings for the mitered Last, cut or scribe the bottom edge of the likely to be pretty shabby. To get clean
frame doors. The idea is to avoid trimming piece to bring the top edge of the base faces in and out, I veneered both sides of a
the doors to fit, as mitered doors must be molding to the target height. plywood panel, making a nice bookmatch
trimmed equally on all four sides to main- from sequential leaves of veneer.
tain their symmetry. If you make the doors Installing crown molding is trickier— I used biscuits to align the faces of the
before at least dry-fitting the face frame, The crown molding is a flat piece of 6-in.- miters during assembly. The biscuits add
you may end up with uneven miters or un- wide stock with chamfers cut at the bottom some strength to the joint but would not be
even gaps around the doors. and top edges (see the drawing above). sufficient without the splines.
The chamfer at the bottom determines the Make a simple jig for the tablesaw (see
Finish and install the face frame angle at which the crown projects from FWW #151, p. 49), and cut slots through the
Sand and finish all of the face-frame stock, the case; I chose 35°. Pieces of plywood at- mitered corners. Clamp a tall auxiliary fence
along with the base- and crown-molding tached to the top of the cases support the to the tablesaw fence to keep the jig from
stock. The face-frame parts on most large upper half of the molding. Basically, I nailed tipping. Then plane stock for the splines.
built-ins are nailed to the cases because it the bottom of the molding in place, then
is difficult to clamp and glue face frames to screwed the support pieces to the back of Hang the doors—I chose cup hinges for
installed cases. I filled the nail holes with the molding and to the tops of the cases. their versatility and ease of installation,
wax colored to match the wood tone. I re- I added some glue to the outside miters
moved the excess wax by rubbing hard when everything was ready for final nail- BASE MOLDING
with a clean rag. ing. The squeeze-out cleaned up easily
Working from the stile nearest the cen- from the finished wood. I nailed the miters
ter—with its flush joint—I reinstalled the together, then went back and added nails
45° bevel
precut, prefinished face-frame parts using along the rest of the molding to secure it to
a pneumatic nail gun for speed. If you don’t the cases. I finished by screwing on the
have a nailer, you can predrill and nail on support blocks behind the top edge. Base
the parts with #6 finish nails. I also ran a 3
⁄4 in.
quick bead of glue into the spline grooves. Make and install the doors thick
The doors on this project are mitered
Fit and install the moldings frames around a 1⁄4-in.-thick plywood panel. Shoe mold-
Base molding seems like it should slap on The mitered look suits this project’s con- ing, 1⁄2 in.
easily and quickly, but that’s rarely the case temporary, angular demeanor, and the thick by
⁄8 in. high
with built-ins. Miter any outside corners walnut splines added after assembly will
first; here I started with the return pieces ensure the joints stay tightly closed.
under the desk. Then cut the end that You can use off-the-shelf plywood for the
meets the wall, scribing it to fit if necessary. panel, but the back side of the wood is

Make test cuts to fine-tune the fit. You
will have to reverse the saw fence to cut the
opposite angle.
Work from the center out. Clamp blocks to the face frame to ensure an even reveal. On the re-
turn pieces, fit the miters first, then dry-fit the pieces and mark their lengths. The front pieces will
be trickier. You must nibble away at each end to creep up on a good fit.

though traditional butt hinges would work tended portion of the desktop to overlap fitted it on its cleat to mark the location of
just as nicely. Cup hinges are classified ac- the face frame, angling outward to meet the front of the cabinets. After ripping the
cording to the relationship between the the inside edge of each stile and connect- back flush with the front of the cabinets, I
door and the case part they are hung ing the desktop visually to the fixed shelf. glued on the longer front extension piece
from—inset, full overlay, or half-overlay. But cutting clean, precise notches in a sin- and did another dry-fit to lay out the angled
The doors on the center cabinet are full gle slab would have been impractical. ends. Last, I slid the desktop into place and
overlay, while the bottom doors are inset— Instead, I glued up one slab for the entire screwed through the cleats to attach it. 
with a twist. Because the cabinet side is set desktop, then ripped off the front, overlap-
back from the edge of the face frame, I had ping section. I crosscut the back section to Tony O’Malley makes furniture and built-in
to block out behind the face frames to cre- the same length as the top cabinet and dry- cabinetry in Emmaus, Pa.
ate a flush surface for an inset hinge.

Make and fit the desktop

The desktop is a solid slab of 8/4 cherry
planed to 11⁄2 in. thick. It rests on cleats
screwed to the case sides. I wanted the ex-

Install the base molding. Starting with the re-

turn piece, shim the molding up to its proper
height and mark the miter (above). Cut the re-
turn, and mark and cut the front piece, then nail
the moldings in place. A small shoe molding will
hide the gap below (see the drawing at left).


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